The world is at the verge of destruction and without minding the remote and immediate courses of the horrible situation; everyone is at the receiving end with no one with even a seeming lasting solution to it. The deplorable state and danger to life and property are helplessly degenerating with each passing day into a sorrowful and unbearable state, fraught with lip service by world leaders.
Restless Pendulum is rather engrossed with an exigent idea which if religiously taken, will take the world away from being an abattoir of human slaughter with the spate of rising inclination to wars, hostility and the attendant vendetta, cold blood and imminent destruction of the human race?
This is without reference to any particular country, creed or people but the entire global village.
It is placated and equally obvious that men are the architects of the devilish ideas that are perpetrating the entire human race into anguish and therefore, are not privy to making any reasonable move towards redeeming mankind from destruction.
Women, who themselves are the first courier of life among human race should come up with the viable idea to save life.
This is the vision, the mission; the aims and objectives of some young ladies from Africa who decided to take the bull by the horn by fronting themselves into a formidable force; guess what?
They were kidnapped by men, hoodlums requiring them for a different and mind blowing business; and what happens?
I didn’t know that women could sacrifice their own lives to prove their chastity, honour, respect and integrity until I finished writing the Script and I became more convinced upon the interpretation of the Script for the Screen. Welcome on board.
Amb. Lambert Nnorom (Jnr)
Script writer/Director
The Movie aims at achieving:
1. World peace.
2. Showcasing the strength of character of the African (Black) woman.
3. To garnering respect for the entire African Continent.
4. To make money for the movie makers, Partners and sponsors involved.
5. To entertain the Viewers
The world is at the verge of destruction and without minding the remote and immediate courses of the horrible situation; everyone is at the receiving end with no one with even a seeming lasting solution to it. The deplorable state and danger to life and property are helplessly degenerating with each passing day into a sorrowful and unbearable state, fraught with lip service by world leaders.
Restless Pendulum is rather engrossed with an exigent idea which if religiously taken, will take the world away from being an abattoir of human slaughter with the spate of rising inclination to wars, hostility and the attendant vendetta, cold blood and imminent destruction of the human race?
This is without reference to any particular country, creed or people but the entire global village.
It is placated and equally obvious that men are the architects of the devilish ideas that are perpetrating the entire human race into anguish and therefore, are not privy to making any reasonable move towards redeeming mankind from destruction.
Women, who themselves are the first courier of life among human race should come up with the viable idea to save life.
This is the vision, the mission; the aims and objectives of some young ladies from Africa who decided to take the bull by the horn by fronting themselves into a formidable force; guess what?
They were kidnapped by men, hoodlums requiring them for a different and mind blowing business; and what happens?
I didn’t know that women could sacrifice their own lives to prove their chastity, honour, respect and integrity until I finished writing the Script and I became more convinced upon the interpretation of the Script for the Screen. Welcome on board.
Amb. Lambert Nnorom (Jnr)
Script writer/Director
The Movie aims at achieving:
1. World peace.
2. Showcasing the strength of character of the African (Black) woman.
3. To garnering respect for the entire African Continent.
4. To make money for the movie makers, Partners and sponsors involved.
5. To entertain the Viewers